If you are an entrepreneur or owner of a small or medium-sized business in Latin America, you know that one of the most effective ways to grow your business is through e-commerce. In that sense, Pardux emerges as the comprehensive platform you need to take the leap into the digital world.

What is Pardux?

It is a comprehensive platform that enables any business to grow by selling online. It provides technological tools, integrations with various payment methods, an extensive catalog of logistical solutions, among others, so that you can sell online quickly, profitably, and professionally, minimizing entry and operational barriers.

Founded in Ecuador in 2019, it has become a leading company in the region, with a presence in countries such as Colombia, Peru, Chile, Mexico, and Argentina. Its mission is to empower Latin American enterprises, providing all the tools for them to be more competitive and adaptable to development.

Whats is Pardux for?

Pardux serves to enable any business to make the leap into the digital world and sell online in a professional and profitable manner. With its comprehensive platform, you can manage orders, billing, shipments, payment gateways, and much more, all in one place.

Among the main solutions offered by Pardux are:

  • Order and Inventory Manager: you will be able to manage your products in detail, receive notifications when a sale is made, and have total control over your inventory.
  • Billing: generate and send all the billing for your business in a simple and automated way.
  • Store Customization: you will be able to customize your entire store as you wish, with a professional design tailored to your brand.
  • Payment Gateway: you will be able to charge for your products with any payment method, including credit and debit cards, bank transfers, PayPal, and more.
  • Advanced Reports: export the report of your store's status to analyze your growth and make strategic decisions.
  • Logistics Operators: integrates multiple tools for your business, including courier and shipping services.
  • Internal SEO: The pages come with tools for a SEO appropriate.

Who are behind Pardux?

Pardux has a highly trained and specialized human team in the digital sector. Among the most prominent members of its team are its CEO, Ronald Hernandez, its CTO, J. Ricardo Loor, its CGO, Andres Arteaga, and its CFO, Marcelo Arteaga. Additionally, they have a team of professionals specialized in areas such as sales, development, design, customer service, and more. They all work together to provide a comprehensive solution to entrepreneurs and online businesses in Latin America.

What are the payment gateways used by Pardux?

Pardux has integrations with different payment methods, allowing you to offer various payment options to your customers. Among them are Payagile, Datafast, PayPal, Placetopay, Stripe, and more. This makes the purchase of your products or services easier, providing greater convenience and security to your customers.

What is the pricing for Pardux?

Pardux offers plans tailored to the needs of each business, with prices starting from $60.00 per month. All plans include: access to the comprehensive Pardux platform, 24/7 technical support, integration with payment gateways, order and inventory management, store customization, and automated billing. Additionally, Pardux has premium plans that offer more advanced logistical solutions, detailed reports, and access to digital marketing tools to boost your sales.

It is important to highlight that Pardux prices are competitive compared to other similar platforms in the region, making it an attractive option for entrepreneurs and small businesses seeking a comprehensive and affordable solution for selling online.

How to start using Pardux?

Getting started with Pardux is very simple. You just need to register on their website and choose the plan that best suits the needs of your business. Afterward, you can configure your online store in a personalized way, add your products, and start selling online.

Moreover, Pardux has a technical support team available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to assist you with any questions or issues you may encounter.


In summary, if you're looking for a comprehensive platform for selling online in Latin America, Pardux is an excellent choice. With its extensive catalog of technological solutions, integrations with payment gateways, logistical solutions, and competitive prices, Pardux will allow you to make the leap into the digital world in a profitable and professional manner.

Beto Peña

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